Full Synthetic Oil & Filter Service
In order to keep your Mercedes Benz performing like the precise German automobile that it is, we at All German Motorworks ONLY use full synthetic oil specifically designed for European/German standards and factory OEM Mercedes-Benz oil filters. Our Oil & Filter service includes resetting of the Service Assyst interval and our own Vehicle Health Check report.
Service Assyst
Most models produced from 2007 and up have fixed service intervals. Service alternate from A to B and occur every 10,000 miles or after 1 year, which every comes sooner. These fixed service intervals make it easier for you to plan your service around YOUR schedule, making it less likely for you to miss a service.
SERVICE A 4 Cylinder STARTING @ $139.99 SERVICE A V6 & V8 STARTING @ $219.99
SERVICE B 4 Cylinder STARTING @ $249.99 SERVICE B V6 & V8 STARTING @ $589.99
**For AMG, V10 & V12 models, please call for service cost since this higher performance models will require different oil type, specs, quantities and filter.**